07. Link your NFTs to your dashboard
- Goal: Every player’s goal is set to 3781 calories daily.
- Link NFT: Player can link their reward NFTS here to increase passive bonuses. Bonuses are determined by NFT Burn-2-Earn score.
- Energy: to reach maximum energy. Player must have a specific amount of Fitcoin ERC20 locked in the application. Value is based on each NFTs Burn-2-Earn score. Each day this amount is met the energy will increase up to 100%. If Fitcoin ERC20 minimum is not met energy will reset to zero.
- Energy Bonus: Players can receive their maximum bonus daily when 3 conditions are met.
- Energy is at 100%
- Daily 3781 calories burn goal is met. If calorie’s goal is not met player will receive the percentage of the 3781-calorie goal that is achieved.
- Players must collect their Fitcoin bonus once daily within a 24hr period. Bonus Fitcoins will be deposited into the player’s treasure chest which can be minted at the player’s discretion.